Young People's Wellbeing during the Covid Crisis

364 young people from Richmond & Kingston shared over 1700 experiences with us through an online survey. 

“I used to be distracted by going out all the time and hanging out with friends so I could avoid my eating problems but now I can't”

Physical exercise was a key factor in maintaining good physical health; most of those who didn’t or couldn’t pursue it reported worse or much worse physical health.

“Before lockdown I'd walk 2 miles to school every day and once a week go swimming, but I don't do very much of this now”

Whilst most people found that healthcare were largely unchanged during the lockdown, young people with health conditions and/or disabilities were disproportionately impacted and said that the service they received was worse.

“Had a phone call doctors appointment but I've still got the same problem but it needs to be actually looked at in person so I can't really do much.”

Click HERE to read the full report. 

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